Our Mission

APG Beacon is program of Bay Area Community Resources. Our mission is to provide supports and opportunities to ensure the healthy development of children, youth, and adults. Our purpose is to connect people to their passion, potential, and community.

APG Beacon practices these norms to create a safe space for all.

  1. Recognize: We recognize that we must strive to overcome historical & divisive biases like racism & sexism.

  2. Share the air: Share responsibility for including all voices in the discussion. Step up and/or step back.

  3. Trust: We are all here to learn, grow, and share. We are doing the best we can. Let's challenge & encourage each other to do better.

  4. Acknowledge: We acknowledge that we are all systematically taught misinformation about our own group(s) and about members of other groups.

  5. Not experts: It's okay not to know. Keep in mind that we are all still learning and are bound to make mistakes when approaching a complex task or exploring new ideas. Be open to changing your mind, and make space for others to do so as well.

  6. Individual Experience: We agree that no one should be required or expected to speak for their whole race or gender.

  7. Be respectful, stay humble: Part of talking about equity and diversity includes messing up. We agree to listen respectfully to each other without interruptions. We will not ignore problematic statements. We will call each other in to work through any issues.

  8. Maintain confidentiality: Agree to keep specifics of what is discussed confidential. What is said here, stays here. What is learned here leaves here.

  9. No blame, assume best intentions: We will not blame ourselves or others for misinformation we have learned. We accept responsibility for not repeating misinformation after we have learned otherwise.

  10. Comfort is overrated: Be open to experiencing discomfort.

Our History

In 1993, in response to a dearth of community-based services for Sunset families, SNBC’s founder, Michael Funk, led a grassroots effort to address the issues facing the Sunset’s growing and evolving population. SNBC grew out of this work when the San Francisco Beacon Initiative was established in 1996 and SNBC formally came into existence. With each passing year, SNBC offers more educational programs and services to Sunset youth and adults.

Despite significant need in the Sunset District, SNBC remains one of the few family-focused community development organizations in the neighborhood. No other organization provides the same breadth of services.

SNBC is on the forefront of developing and implementing quality programs that foster learning and skill-building, promote youth and family engagement, and strengthen relationships within the community. Public agencies often approach SNBC to lead new community-based initiatives and disseminate information. Additionally, when Sunset District youth and families are in need of information or resources, they come to SNBC as a trusted service provider and conduit to help. SNBC’s long history of leading and organizing community-wide initiatives has strengthened the Sunset and helped youth and families to build social networks, develop new skills, and learn and grow together.

What is a Beacon Center?

APG Beacon is one of 27 Beacon Centers serving San Francisco communities. As part of the national Beacon movement, we aim to provide neighborhood-specific supports and resources to underserved communities.